
David Losaberidze, Central and local government system, legitimacy and efficiency, Materials for UNDP Human Development Report, 1997 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Self-Government in Georgia, (Development Trends), 1998

David Losaberidze, Konstantine Kandelaki, Niko Orvelashvili, Local Government in Georgia, Local Governments in Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia, Budapest, 2002 (EN)
Давид Лосаберидзе, Костантин Канделаки, Нико Орвелашвили, Местное caмoуправлене в Грузии, Органы местного самоуправления в восточной европе, на Кавказе и в средней азии, Будапешт, 2002 (RU)

David Losaberidze, Regionalism and Local Self-Government in Georgia, Building Democracy in Georgia - IDEA discussion papers, #3, 2003

David Losaberidze, Case Study - Imereti, Building Democracy in Georgia - IDEA discussion papers, #10, 2003

David Losaberidze, Case Study - Growing Electoral Activity of the Georgian Public: The 2002 Municipal Elections, IDEA - Democracy at the Local Level, 2003 (EN)

Давид Лосаберидзе, Рост избирательной активности населения в Грузии: Местные выборы 2002 года, IDEA - Democracy at the Local Level, 2003 (RU)

David Losaberidze, Democratic audit of Rustavi Municipality, Project - Conducting a Democratic Audit in Bulgaria, Georgia and Moldova, IDIS VIITORUL, CIPDD, 2005

Ivliane Khaindrava, Zaur Khalilov, Lela Khomeriki, David Losaberidze, David Melua, Tengiz Shergelashvili, Arnold Stepanian, Otar Zoidze, Distribution of State Power Between the Central and Local Levels, IDEA - Constitutional/Political Reform Process in Georgia, in Armenia and Azerbaijan: Political Elite and Voice of the People, 2005 (EN)

Отар Зоидзе, Давид Лосаберидзе, Давид Мелуа, Арнольд Степанян, Тенгиз Шергелашвили, Ивлиан Хаиндрава, Заур Халилов, Лела Хомерики, Распределение государственной власти между центральными и местными уровнями, IDEA - процесс конституционно-политической реформы в Грузии, в Армении и в Азербайджане: Политическая элита и голос народа, 2005 (RU)

David Losaberidze, Davit Narmania, The accordance with the regulatory legislation on local self-governments and the "European Charter of Local Self-Government", Caucasian Institute for Economic and Social Research  - CIESR, 2009

David Losaberidze, Local Government Administration Arrangement, Civil Society Vision, In Policy brief, Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development, 2009 (Available only in Georgian)

Local Government Service Delivery Standards, Desk Research and Recommendations, CIESR, 2010  (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Governing System in Georgia, What is Self-Governance and Why Do We Need It ?, Project "Guide for Journalists: Covering Local Government Issues", ARB, 2014 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, The Competencecs of the Self-Government under observation, Project "Guide for Journalists: Covering Local Government Issues", ARB, 2014 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Mapping the Obstacles to Intermunicipal Co-Operation in Georgia, Strengthening Institutional Frameworks for Local Governance Programme - 2015-2017, CoE, 2015

David Losaberidze, Georgia - Two Type of Self-Government, (Self-government in the Democratic Republic of Georgia and in modern Georgia), Eroba, vol.I, SovLab, 2017 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Local Government Revenue and Property - European Experience, Public campaign "It's time for self-government", 2018 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze,  Decentralization Assessment, Georgia State of Democracy Assessment, IDEA, OSGF, 2019 (working version - Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Self-Government in the First Republic of Georgia (1918-1921)

David Losaberidze, Merab Tsindeliani, Project Management Recommendations, Guide for Municipal Enterprises, 2019 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Urbi et Orbi - Georgian State and Georgian City, Cities, Municipal Self-Government Reform and Municipal Policy in the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1917-1921), SovLab, 2021 (Available only in Georgian)

Citizens' participation in the process of planning and reporting on the activities of members of local representative bodies, European standards, Project "Accountable Council Member for a Strong Democracy", Consortium: Management Systems' Development Centre (MSDC), Good Governance Institute (GGI), International Center for Civic Culture (ICCC), 2021  (Available only in Georgian)

Methodology for Improving Citizen Referral Practices for Municipalities (Recommendations for Bolnisi, Lanchkhuti, Marneuli, Mestia and Oni Municipalities), Management Systems' Development Centre (MSDC), UNDP, 2021 (Available only in Georgian)

Again regarding self-government, International Conference - Good Governance Forum 2022, IDFI, 2022 (Available only in Georgian)

Citizens Participation of in the decision-making process (international experience and Georgian context), Civil Society Institute, USAID, 2023 (Available only in Georgian)


Policy Documents

Александр Сванишвили, Давид Лосаберидзе, Эффективность границ муниципалитетов и перспективы их оптимизации (существующие воззрения), The Fiscal Decentralization Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe, 2002

Conceptual Model of Territorial-Administrative Setting of Georgia and Separation of Administrative, Financial and Property Rights among Different Levels of Authority (Short Version), NGO Coalition "For Local Democracy and Self-Governance", Project: Elaboration of Strategic Plan for Decentralization in Georgia, 2005

Concept of Administrative-Territorial Arangement and Management of the Capital of Georgia - Tbilisi, Project "Effective Management of the City of Tbilisi", CSI, Tbilisi City Hall, UNDP, 2005 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Administrative-Territorial Arrangement of Local Self-Government, Civil Society for Development: Decentralization and Participation in Georgia (CSD), (MATRA 2010-2013), 2011

Konstantine Kandelaki, David Losaberidze, Irakli Melashvili, Tengiz Shergelashvili, Extended Concept of Local Self-Government System of Georgia, Georgian Development Research Institute. 2012 (Available only in Georgian)

Territorial Optimisation - Urban and Rural Development, Gori Information Centre ,Regional Development Programme (GARF-RD), Policy Papers, #1, 2015

David Losaberidze, Urban and Rural Development, Territorial Arrangement of Municipalities", Local Experts for Preparatory Research on Decentralization Strategic Planning, UNDP, 2016 (Available only in Georgian)

Pre-feasibility study on Inter-Municipal Cooperation for Solid Waste Management in Adjaria, Strengthening Institutional Frameworks for Local Governance Programme - 2015-2017,CoE. 2017


Public Opinion Surveys

Study of Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia, ACT, 2013

David Losaberidze, Conclusions and Recommendations for the Study of Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia, 2013 (working version - Available only in Georgian)

Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia, Study  Report, ACT, 2015

David Losaberidze, Conclusions and Recommendations for the "Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia", 2015 (working version - Available only in Georgian)

Attitudes of the population towards the reform and activities of the local self-government and government bodies, ISSA, 2015 (Available only in Georgian)

Study on Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia, Study Report, ACT, 2017

David Losaberidze, General findings fot the project "Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia", ACT, 2017 (working version)

David Losaberidze, Lika Sanikidze, Local Services in Gori Municipality - Practice and Population Assessment, GIC, 2019

Study on Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia, Study Report, ACT, 2019

David Losaberidze, General findings fot the project "Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia", ACT, 2019 (Available only in Georgian)

Koka Kighuradze, David Losaberidze, Access to Municipal Services Survey, fot the project "Good Governance for Local Development in the South Caucasus", GYLA, 2021, (Available only in Georgian)

Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia, Study Report, UNDP, 2021



Georgian Local Democracy Report, 2006 Annual Report, Open Society-Georgia Foundation (working translation)

Report on Local Development in Georgia - 2007, (Annual Report), Open Society-Georgia Foundation  (working translation)

Давид Лосаберидзе, Местное самоуправление в Грузии (текущая ситуация), Местное самоуправление на Южном Кавказе: Текущая ситуация и перспективы развития, Местное самоуправление в странах Южного Кавказа, Communities Finance Officers Association, Ереван, 2007 (Available only in Russian)

Давид Лосаберидзе, Местное самоуправление в Грузии, Перспективы развития, Местное самоуправление на Южном Кавказе: Текущая ситуация и перспективы развития, Местное самоуправление в странах Южного Кавказа, Communities Finance Officers Association, Ереван, 2007 (Available only in Russian)

Давид Лосаберидзе, Реформа децентрализации в Грузии - первые результаты, Местное самоуправление в странах Южного Кавказа, Communities Finance Officers Association, 2007 (Available only in Russian)

Давид Лосаберидзе, Местное самоуправление в Грузии (текущая ситуация - 2009)б Местное самоуправление на Южном Кавказе: Муниципальные финансы и услуги, взаимоотношения между органами центрального управления и местного самоуправления, Местное самоуправление в странах Южного Кавказа, Communities Finance Officers Association, Ереван, 2009 (Available only in Russian)

Annual Report on Local Democracy Development in Georgia, (2008), I. Policy Analysis, Open Society-Georgia Foundation  (working translation)

Annual Report on Local Democracy Development in Georgia (2009 - 2010), Open Society-Georgia Foundation

Local Self-Government Georgia - 1991 - 2014, International Centre for Civic Culture

Development of Local Democracy in Georgia, Annual Report, (2016-2017), Open Society-Georgia Foundation (working translation)

David Losaberidze, Quality Monitoring Report on Medium Term Development and Priority Documents of the Kvemo Kartli Municipalities, 2018 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Assessing of the institutional frameworks and performance of Civil Advisory Councils in the municipalities of Kvemo Kartli Region, UNDP, 2021

Interim Alternative Report on Monitoring the Implementation of the Public Administration Reform Action Plan 2019-2020: Provision of Public Services and Local Self-Government, Project "Monitor the quality of performance of tasks in order to strengthen self-government and improve public services in the Public Administration Reform Action Plan for 2019-2020", IDFI, GYLA, 2021 (working version - Available only in Georgian)

Assessing of the institutional frameworks and performance of Civil Advisory Councils in the municipalities of Kvemo Kartli, Guria and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Regions, UNDP, 2021 (Available only in Georgian) 

Recommendations to enhancing capacity of Civil Advisory Councils (Councils) in Guria and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, UNDP, 2021 (Available only in Georgian)

Existing legal frameworks and practices of citizen participation in Georgia, Needs assessment report, Co-Author, Project "Strengthening Participatory Democracy and Human Rights at Local Level in Georgia", Council of Europe, 2021

Frameworks of citizens' engagement in Georgia, Report, Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development,, Bread for the World, 2022 (Available only in Georgian)


Manuals, Textbooks

Municipal Law, Textbook Constitutional Law, 2005 (Available only in Georgian)

Guide of the Monitoring of the Local Government, Caucasian Institute for Economic and Social Research, Eurasia partnership Foundation, Sida, 2012 (Available only in Georgian)

David Losaberidze, Konstantin Kandelaki, Mamuka Abuladze, Otar Konjaria, Local Self-Government, Student Manual, Green Caucasus, 2016 (Available only in Georgian)

Nino Eremashvili, Levan Akhvlediani, David Losaberidze, Tamar Rukhadze, Cooperation with Local Authorities and Media, Supporting Civic Education Handbook for Grade IX, Student Book (Available only in Georgian)

Nino Eremashvili, Levan Akhvlediani, David Losaberidze, Tamar Rukhadze, Cooperation with Local Authorities and Media, Supporting Civic Education Handbook for Grade IX, Teacher's book (Available only in Georgian)


Reform of the Self-Government

(Documentation prepared under the auspices of the Advisory Council on Self-Government and Regional Policy of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia)

Proposals on Administrative-Territorial Optimization of Telavi, Mtskheta, Gori, Akhaltsikhe, Zugdidi, Ambrolauri, Ozurgeti and Tsalenjikha Municipalities (Available only in Georgian)

Establishment of New Self-Governing Units on the Territory of Gori Municipality (Available only in Georgian)

Arrangement of the Capital of Georgia - Tbilisi (Available only in Georgian)

Presentation, LG Amalgamation in Georgia, Changes and Challenges, International Conference - Webinar on Direction of decentralization in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Local Public Sector Alliance (LPSA), 2022



International Obligations in the Process of the Reform of Self-Government, 2017 (Available only in Georgian)

Regional Development and Georgia, 2017 (Available only in Georgian)

Self-government in the Democratic Republic of Georgia, 2018 (Available only in Georgian)